I remember reading Go Ask Alice sometime in eighth or ninth grade for the first time. I read it again my senior year because I had a friend (on whom I had a crush on) who progressed from one drug to another during the fall semester until one day he came to school so high on acid that he allegedly had danced like a chicken on the discipline dean's desk. His charisma had perked my interest, and if I had been in the right place at the wrong time I would have tried anything with him just to be around him. And I realized this, so I set my feet back on the ground by rereading Go Ask Alice. And when I learned he went to rehab during the winter break, I sent my book by way of a friend to him. I don't recall if he ever said he got it, or if my friend succeeded in getting it to him. I never did manage to run with any friends who did hard drugs, but I knew some of my classmates did. I've never seen the made-for-TV movie based on the book.

There's any number of songs that heighten and raise up the creativity-inducing elements of drugs, but there's nearly an equal amount that share the ails of addiction. I did not hear this song when it first came out but instead heard it years later when I delved into a myriad of female indie-alternative folk musicians. Somehow I came across K's Choice and their song "Not An Addict." The song's lyrics are poignant, nevermind that the intro is like a sad crying of someone desperate, alone, addicted, and wrecked.
I've still never tried acid or 'shrooms, and certainly have never tried anything like the cocaine, heroin, meth, etc. A glass of wine, a beer, a little bourbon is about as far as my interests go. But even alcohol is something I approach cautiously, knowing that I do have an addictive nature if I let it go completely. I've never liked the idea of drinking to get drunk because the few times I have felt drunk I did not find it a pleasant feeling that I wanted to repeat. No, instead, I have a glass or two of wine with a meal, or three beers over the course of a long evening, followed by a glass of water. I have fun by being surrounded by music, or talking with people, or taking pictures. I enjoy being myself with friends who are stronger and more entertaining than any state-altering drug could propose.
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