Monday, September 21, 2009

Lies, Half-truths, and Truths

With a group:

A. Give each person three slips of paper.  Each person should write on the slips of paper the following:
1. one lie
2. one half-truth
3. one truth

B. Mix all the folded slips of paper in a bowl and let people pull three from the bowl. If you pull your own, place it back in the bowl. Writers should use one or all three of the statements (or the ideas the statement inspire) in their writing.

For one person:

A. Create the bowl of statements by following the instructions above but write six for each of the lies, half-truths, and truths. You may want to do this on one day and then use the prompts at a later date when you have forgotten all the statements you wrote for the bowl.

B. Pull three and use them as writing prompts for your writing this day.

OR use the below lies, half-truths, and truths written by me and my friends Michael, Vicky, Normandi, Alaina, Rhea, and Carol as prompts:

I am part dog.
Once, I found tulips that had ears.
I have squirrel blood in my veins.
Wine is the bane of her existence.
She was born with a banjo in her hands.
Two glasses of wine, a bar, and a long evening being sick.
I spent millions of dollars.
I held a hummingbird in my hands.
I once lived in a chicken house.
I'm rolling in dough!
I'm a meat and potatoes kind of girl/guy.
My glasses slide down my nose.
My softball coach began to stalk me.
My father was born dead but his grandmother brought him back to life.
I knew he was at the door before he knocked, so I crept out the back door.
My greatest dream is to join the circus.
I love working with kids, but I don't want any of my own.
I have a great family.

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