Sunday, July 4, 2010


I have no plans today for the Fourth of July.  I don't believe I am even going to go anywhere to celebrate.  If I were still in Mississippi or Kentucky there'd be gatherings I couldn't avoid being part of because that is what family and friends are for - cookouts, potlucks, living room jams, front porch ramblings.  But I've not yet found that niche here in Oklahoma.  I may go to Lake Hefner around sunset and see what's happening there and take pictures.  Probably will be a good many sailboats out.  I wish there were fireworks somewhere near the lake; The reflections on the water surface would be spectacular.

Just a little while ago a friend posted this infographic for Gumbo.  It made me crave Louisiana cooking, and New Orleans culture especially.  I have never made Gumbo before, but my mother has made it from time to time.  Just like red beans and rice recipes, whenever I asked her for the one she references her response is nearly always, oh, I just do it.  She knows it by heart and knows the art of cooking so well that if she doesn't have what is required she knows how to substitute ingredients so that it is still an marvelous and adventurous meal.  I'd like to learn that intuitive art of cooking.

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