Tuesday, April 10, 2007

archive: 14 april 2007: update and misc thinking

"You're a generous person, and like all genuinely magnanimous people, you love to do things for others without their knowing about your good deeds. The stars say that we need more people like you around."

This is my daily horoscope today. Interesting... and true. And funny concerning something I was only thinking about doing a few minutes ago. hahaha

Also, a friend on facebook, Harold, has a quote from an article's author (Fatima Raja) I really like: "we are not true believers until we want for our brothers and sisters what we want for ourselves."

It is Saturday and I am in Sweetwater, Tennessee. It is kinda boring here. I watched two movies on the TV last night, finally found some Hornsby's, and drank two of them before going to sleep. I got an email from the librarian I am supposed to visit on Monday at Bryan College canceling my visit and the college's participation in the inventory; the library is going to join the "Volunteer Voices" project. I am not going to argue, but it wouldn't hurt to have these things documented with the ACA. *sigh* Oh well.

Today I am going to browse around at TN's largest flea market, right here next to my hotel. Tomorrow I think I will go to the Lost Sea before heading down to Dayton, TN, to my booked hotel there even though I am not visiting Bryan College. I guess I could go to Athens, TN, one night earlier.... hmm...

Also, on Thursday afternoon (April 19th) I will have a "talking points" sort of interview on the phone for the archivist position. Then we'll probably do a good bit of discussion by email because of my work schedule right now. May not actually get to have a face-to-face interview, or not be able to have one until the last week of May. So I need to do some thinking about what might be asked and what I think about those topics, what I would do, what I would hope, etc.

It is odd to feel hopeful and hopeless at the same time about interviewing for the position. I feel like others would be more qualified, surely, but I am willing to learn if given the chance and opportunities.

I need to start applying elsewhere now, too. It is a little early though, for positions starting in August. But it can't hurt.

I need to get out of this hotel room for a while.

ALSO.... the nights in hotel rooms are half enjoyable and half VERY lonely, as I miss my barista friends at Ground Effects, the people I see at ACA, the folks I run into around town, people I know at Berea Coffee & Tea, etc. Even those same people I don't even know their name at Walmart late at night. heh. The weekends will be the loneliest.

But having the ACA card to pay for my meals and hotels and gas on the car... that actually helps me in my personal financial state right now. Everything in my personal finances will get set straight by May, I believe.

Much love and peace -

Also... photos of Lindsey Wilson College, Maryville College, and Hiwassee College are here:

I may still go on the Bryan College campus and take campus photos like this for the ACA Annual Report. I might also take some more pics on the Hiwassee campus this afternoon. Not sure. The other ones I have do not have any students in them and there might be some today because there's a small conference on campus today.

And I found a coffee shop in town that actually has an espresso machine and not those gas station push-button cappuccino "so-called" coffee drinks. :)

By the way, MARY OLIVER is wonderful.

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