Sunday, January 29, 2006

archive: 29 january 2006: locked out

I just got accidentally locked out of my house, and then the GREATEST friends ever helped break into my house by removing the ridiculous window unit A/C (which was too loud and didn't cool the entire duplex so I never used it) from the window and crawling in and opening the door.

Yes... I have a spare key, and if Amanda moves in she'll get that spare and I will need to get another spare to place outside my house somewhere so if ever the door gets shut while I am standing outside without my keys, I won't get locked out of my house. hehehe

I am so not mad or agitated or anything. It was amazing and hilarious and terrific. Thanks to Seth, Marissa, James, Tina, Lisa, and Rachel... you all rock.

Next Sunday I intend to make dinner, but I don't know what yet. I know that it will have vegan options, so it's going to take the week to plan it. But it shall be fun.

The greatest thing about the A/C unit being removed is that there no longer will be a draft coming from that window. Horrible draft from that window 'cause of the window unit.

hehe... I so wish I had had my camera with me, but if I had had my camera with me, I might would have had my keys in my back pocket (kinda out of habit I probably would have grabbed both from the purse) and the whole thing wouldn't have happened. lol... but its ok. People are fascinating.

(((hugs to all of you)))

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