Step into this place,
familiar surroundings
and everyday routine.
Walk your worn path,
tracing steps and patterns
to see the differences.
Notice random faces
study texts or sip coffee
while gazing at magazines.
Pattern despises change.
One day a familiar face
confuses the set defaults,
and a person of patterns
loses control.
What to do? What to be?
Where to go?
Turn around, confront not
the change that occurs.
Patterns return another day.
Okay, so I saw a girl I knew last year who used to teach at the school I work at. She was reading something in B&N in the cafe. I came in to get my mocha. I don't know if she saw me or not. I like her okay, she's nice enough. But sometimes I feel my "inferiority" with some of these people. Maybe I am only labeling myself. Maybe I am just as intellectual as the rest of them, but still... I don't feel intelligent. I feel quite ignorant when I cannot think of the words to describe something, to hold a conversation about daily events, world events, etc etc etc... I have lost any intelligence I once had, or else it feels like that. And the weirdest thing is, I've not used any kind of hallucigens in my whole life, so that can't even be my excuse!
I read a short poem today in B&N that sounded much like my boyfriend's own writing, yet its from someone so very famous and classic:
"A little learning is a dang'rous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring:
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
And drinking largely sobers us again."
~ Alexander Pope
That short poem is saying that one should learn great mountains of knowledge, because only learning a little bit can be quite dangerous. The ignorant who thinks he knows everything is more dangerous than the educated who knows wiser.
One that note, I close...
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