Sunday, December 25, 2005

archive: 25 december 2005: christmas loot

Lets see... The loot...

1. set of white sheets and white comforter for the bed
2. caramel scented candles with a little red candle holder
3. dark purple jacket and pants
4. grey pants, jacket, and camisole (might fit, have to try on, might be one size too small) Yes! It fits and it looks gooooood.
5. grey cardigan sweater (way too big, might take it back for a smaller size)
6. little Burt's Bees pouch of stuff
7. bath stuff from aunt linda and uncle leo
8. paint
9. framed rainbow picture painted by Ryland for me (Beth says she didn't think about the symbolism there, hehehe) I LOVE it.
10. black scarf, gloves, and headband
11. some chocolates
12. some liquor (Degarno sp?)
13. a cashmere sweater (very pretty and soft)
14. a bohemian style purse
15. couple small photo albums
16. and a few other knick-knacks I can't think of right now...

Pretty nice collection of things. My nephew's pile of toys is hilarious. :) And my sister got hr husband a pair of pajama shorts with a moose on them, and he'd happened to get the matching pajama set for her! It was funny. Mom loved her artwork from me. Yay.

Going down to Jackson this afternoon. See my cousin, 'cause she'll probably be back at the house tonight, or maybe tomorrow. I think the cats will have to stay in my Mom's room. Next time I come home for extended time I am going to pay someone to come to my house and check on the cats; I am not going to travel with them like this again. Its insane.

I am leaving my mom's on the 30th. I would stay the night at my sister's on the 29th, but that is so much unloading of the cats and their stuff for one night. If they are home I will stop by and visit Ryland for a few minutes and give him a kiss and hug. He's so smart. He's impatient though, and that will be something he'll struggle with. But I love the picture he gave me; it is so pretty. I have to think of where I am going to put it in the house.

Also, I dreamnt this idea last night or the other night. If Amanda (friend) does end up staying at my place in the guest room, I am going to move the computer and stuff into the "dining room" and just not have a dining room. And I just need to get some kind of cable converter to split the cable Tv and cable Internet from the same source (hit up RadioShack). That table will go behind the couch and will be a work/art table. I can't wait for March or April, when I have a yard sale. I would have one now except it is too freaking cold for that. Mine will be one of the first yard sales of the Spring.

Beth has asked me to make a similar art thing for Ryland, like I did for Mom. Something cowboy themed. I think it will be Ryland themed. ;) And maybe I will make others to sell, to show.

I need to get some pictures for the display in the library... 8 or 10 of them. This is going to be wild.

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