Friday, October 5, 2007

archives: 5 october 2007: ideas, recycling, art

(I was writing this great blog and then I clicked on something and lost the whole thing... so, now I begin again.)

Today Dianne and Lori were ripping up books. Ok. Let's begin that again. :)

Today Dianne and Lori were going through books which were in Tony's collection and determining which ones can go to ACA libraries and which ones need to be disposed. There were a large number of textbooks which were outdated, massively abused, and not college level. These really could not be reused in a high school or junior high, and there weren't enough to do so. So we slated them for recycling yet we figured the covers could not be recycled. So Lori was taking the covers off and I was stacking them to throw away when it dawned on me what I could DO with the covers.

The bottle collages I plan to do sometime soon were also going to have accompanying handmade books to explain and depict more information that I could not put on the bottles themselves. I was going to get old books and glue the pages together and paint and paste things into them. But now I will instead use the covers from these textbooks that Lori took off, strengthen them, add pages of a slightly smaller size made of cardboard and whatnot. I saw the concept and knew I have to do it.

I think I want to make these bottle collages through ALL recycled materials. I bought several things from Walmart and Michaels and other corporate stores for the chakra collages. Much of the stuff was from flea markets and yard sales, but I think my aim for these collages is to show how art can come from recycled materials too. I guess the only things which won't be recycled is paint and adhesives.

So my apartment is looking kinda funny: a floor full of wine jugs, a few boxes and plastic bags full of empty liquor bottles, a window in the kitchen lined with wine bottles. Now t here will be a stack of history, algebra, and Spanish textbook covers (23 total) for the other half of the project.

I really need to get started on collecting the items for these things. It adds up. I guess if I set aside $10-15 a week for garage sale pilfering I could get a good number of things as long as they are very small and very cheap. haha.

I researched the Pleiades and the Nine Muses. I need to sit over the material and design some concepts: how many bottles will I need for each of the stars in the Pleiades, especially if I do portray how some of them in fact are made up of several stars (astronomically speaking) and each bottle represents that form, and then those would be tied/wired together. I need to do some sketching I am sure.

So here's some links for the book concepts. I saw something like this several years ago, but my project will be a little different from all of these. (pictures load slow)
I guess that's about it. A Google search for "altered books" in images will show you a lot.

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