Friday, September 21, 2007

archive: 21 september 2007: let the sunshine in

Back in the office today. I didn't go to work yesterday because when I woke in the morning I felt miserable and so I called in sick. I slept until 12:30 and felt a good bit better. I didn't take any more of that cold medicine. Really, sometimes I think I feel worse when I take medicine for colds and allergies and sinus congestion than I do without it! By afternoon I went to Ground Effects to check email, be a little sociable, and then after a while I went back home and read for a while.

Probably in another week or two I will finally finish this novel. It is a very slow read, but it picks up every now and then... The Well of Loneliness. After I finish reading it I will either move on to the Lee Smith Family Linen or Neil Gaiman's American Gods. I have read the Gaiman book before, but I have kinda wanted to reread it. I read it so fast the first time that I don't think it all sunk it. I love his writing. But anyway, I need to read more poetry. I think I will ask Normandi, Vicky, and Michael for some suggestions. Maybe Libby. I can't sit and read poetry like I can novels, two hours pass by with my head stuck between pages. No, a poem is read and then thought about. I cannot go from one poem immediately to the next because it doesn't sink in... It is like just brushing the surface, skipping stones.

After while I texted Phoebe to see how she was doing, and it sounded like she needed to talk so I planned to meet her outside BC&T after I stopped at PeaceCraft for a moment. Caught up with her and chatted about things, Carol and Robert chatted a bit before going to Main Street Cafe, Chuck came by for a while, Brian showed us his spray-painted car, Adam came to hang out after his slug nightmare, Kelly visited for a bit, etc, etc. Another evening of hours spent outside BC&T just hanging out. Phoebe left after a while, I gave Adam a ride to Taco Bell and home, and then I went home to read some more.

I shouldn't have had that double-shot cafe mocha at 8 pm. It did, indeed, keep me up all night long. I had the most restless sleep I have ever had, I believe. But I somehow feel refreshed this morning. Strange, eh?

By the way, sometime over the next few days I will create some kind of life outline. I know it sounds massive and unwieldy but... it is something I want to do. Sometimes I look back and I think, wow... I've done a lot of things, felt a lot, been places, etc, and other times I look back and I can't seem to see all those things... I criticize and minimize those accomplishments and experiences. So. An outline. Because just a few days ago I remembered something I had done, but now I have forgotten what I had remembered! Some of these memories will have to be jogged with those little scraps of memorabilia I keep. I have scrapbooks. Some are explained, some are random. Oh... I had forgotten about going to Dallas with the honor society when I was in community college and hearing someone speak.... I used to think it was Dr. Laura Schlessinger, but what I remember her talking about goes against what Dr. Laura talks about now, so it was probably not the same speaker. But anyway... memory is tricky.

I have a crazy amount of work to do. Later folks.

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