Friday, November 4, 2005

archive: 4 november 2005: another annoyance

I told my mom last night about this new guy who annoys me outta my mind. Told her about some of the things he does. Its just common curtesy and general manners that gets on my nerves, not recognizing the different places and people you can behave certain ways toward.

example one: tagging along with me to lunch Wednesday without asking if he can join me, and we don't already have a comraderie of sorts. If I am friends with you already, you don't have to ask me if you can join me for lunch. I'd be delighted. But if I don't know you hardly at all, then just ask. I don't like it when strangers assume anything about me. I give friends the "oh you're silly" benefit if they assume something about me. But I don't want to be friends with this guy.

example two: Ok, during morning break there are two boxes of Trivial Pursuit cards, BabyBoomer and 80s. I read an 80s card and Harry reads a card from the BabyBoomer box. Its understood that those people have those roles. If one of us is not here that day, then someone else can read their card. Harry's not here today, so the BabyBoomer card is up for grabs to whoever wants to read it, but I am here to read my 80s card questions to the group. But I get into the breakroom and Dude has the 80s box in front of him and Shannon's got the BabyBoomer. I didn't say anything. I wanted to take my box. hehe.

Just... GAH! I told Mom that this weekend I was going to have to readjust my attitude about this or something. So I do hope I do not run into him this weekend during Homecoming 'cause I really really need my weekends away from this guy. He sucks my energy and mental space and time.

I know I am sounding petty. I really need to take some time out this weekend (probably Sunday) and hike or walk 3 miles or something. Something peaceful and productive and regenerative. Something centering.
In other news.... I want to go see a movie. I know, I have two movies to watch at home, and maybe I will still do that, but I kinda wanna watch Elizabethtown. :) There's other movies I really want to see but they aren't showing in Richmond. I do need to go to Lexington soon, but maybe I will do that next week.

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