Wednesday, August 3, 2005

archive: 3 august 2005: cleaning out the closets

omg, this is sooo perfect.
Virgo Horoscope for week of August 4, 2005 (August 23-September 22) The average person throws out 19 pounds of garbage per week. Between now and August 24, however, you have license to exceed that figure by a large margin. In fact, Virgo, the cosmos would love you to carry out a Great Purge. So take full advantage of this opportunity to lighten your load. Get rid of every last scrap of dross and clutter, give away anything that has outlived its usefulness, and unburden yourself of outmoded necessities that have been sitting untouched in a closet or storage unit for more than a year. As much as you possibly can, free yourself of the unnecessary residues of your past.
I have been thinking about this already. Once Nora has moved her stuff downstairs into storage, I will start going through my entire house and deciding on "this is a garage sale item" and "this is for Goodwill" and "this is something I need to keep." I have a lot of JUNK to rid myself of. So the massive cleaning will begin in mid-August. I want to get furniture which is more modular and practical. I can see myself having a wooden futon in the living room rather than a couch. I'd love that. Except for the price. I want things that I can take apart and put back together when moving, things I can carry alone, and things which are useful. I am going to sell my couch, my bedroom suite (except for the twin bed mattress and boxsprings), this cabinet which is supposed to be for a computer, but its not useful, and a few other things I am sure. I will get chairs to replace the couch, a better twin-sized bed frame for the guest room, and bedroom furniture which suits me better. But the selling won't happen till I am about to move away from here, and the new furniture won't appear until I have moved into a new place. Why buy new furniture when you know you are going to have to move it? Why not buy it once you are in your new place? ;) But this is my plan. And between now and then, I am going to start selling and giving away a lot of my CRAP. From books to knick-knacks, to plateware sets... shoes and clothes. By my birthday in September my house is going to get extraordinarily organized and simplified. And the walls will begin to have more and more of my photography on them. Its going to be more spacious and easier to clean. I am looking forward to this, because I do not like clutter, and I can really leave a pile of clutter behind if I am lazy.

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