Monday, August 1, 2005

archive: 1 august 2005: new shoes and photo plans

I just bought a new pair of khakis, jeans, running shoes, and three shirts. yay! And that's enough shopping to last me a while. I gotta artsy-fartsy patch-up my other jeans, but now I have a pair that has no holes and no prospective holes, except for in the right places. ;) I also have a pair of khakis which fit nicely. I almost got two pairs of those, but I didn't know how much the shoes were going to cost me, and so I am glad I waited on that. I got decent shoes, and I was right: the ones I have are old and I have grown a size larger than those shoes. Besides, those old ones are pink and white! I don't know what possessed me to get them in that color; maybe those were the only ones left. But anyway, these grey and blue ones look good and feel great. I am going to try running in a little bit too... I am going to try to make myself do this every night, for a little while... I am not an early morning person and can't do the morning running thing, but I can do 20-30 minutes (on and off) in the evenings.

Tomorrow I want to go to Mia's and show MaryBeth some of my pictures and see if she thinks they are suitable for display in the bar or restaurant area and then (hopefully) get to put them up. I feel like I ought to get a different set of frames for them, in silver or black, but that's just too pricey for me right now. I am just going to have to settle for this dark wood right now and hope she thinks its good enough. I figure that since I am in town I might just stay at Mia's for open mic and see what that's like. Hopefully it wouldn't be a dead night and there'd be some entertainment.

I am about to look at the Common Grounds website
to see what the requirements are for having some photos on display there. I know they require frames but I gotta find out the rest. I should have done that when I first looked it over. Oh well.

This morning I found a big spider in my bedroom. Made me paranoid, and I missed hitting it with my shoe. I should have gotten the bug spray and sprayed at it. It made me late to work, but they're tolerable of that to an extent. Before I left Giza was playing with the spider and it worried me all day that it was going to bite her or that if she ate it that it would make her sick and I'd find her dead in my apartment. But when I came home she was fine. I can only hope that spider is not in my bedcovers. I cannot stand spiders if I haven't killed them and they're in my personal space. heh

I guess I better get going... Gotta try out these new shoes!

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