Monday, August 20, 2007

archive: 20 august 2007: report is done

So I had a funky dream last night. Dreamed about a friend for the second time, and that was kinda weird. And not timely. Ah well. I will write that dream down later. I keep recalling parts of it throughout the day.

I finished the report officially yesterday (Sunday) but today Alice looked it over one more time and suggested the addition of page numbers. So in adding that everything shifted and I had to shift it back into place. hehe. J had the budget report, Alice wrote a cover letter, and the office manager is creating the copies (one to send the foundation which supported the grant and one for myself for keeps). Now I am going to wrap everything up by fixing up the detailed inventories with the summaries and pictures, put those into .pdf format, and burn them to CDs to send to the libraries. Since I took pictures of the archives I am including that for each school so that they may be able to use those pictures initially for insurance purposes or just to have on file for reference, etc. Free service from this photographer/archivist!

After that is done, which probably will be Wednesday at the latest unless I need to order CDs with cases, I will return to sorting through all the ACA Institutional Archives. I am pretty much looking forward to that because it is a thinking AND hands-on king of work. Writing a report and summarizing things was a brain drain.

I am ready to get back to my artsy projects. Going to look into the KFW grants. Maybe? I don't think that my bottle projects could necessarily count as art for social change? If I could really work in the community seminar/course thing I think it would work, but its the time-intensive research part that is the hardest part. Inclusiveness.
((((EDIT: Ok, I think I figured it out. Apply for the current one available (Artist Enrichment Grant) to get the creation of the art done. The grants are awarded no later than December 30th, which would enable me to work on it during the January-May months (or less) in 2008 in addition to the 8-5 job. I was thinking about following that up with an application for the Art Meets Activism grant which could then support the seminars or workshops, but those awards would be around June 30th, and considering everything going on about work, I don't think that will happen. ehh... I don't know. All this uncertainty makes me ill. bah! And it keeps me from pursuing... other ideas. gah! ))))

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