Sunday, March 16, 2014

no writing

I haven't been writing lately. Actually, I haven't written anything that felt significant since I moved to Oklahoma. I did come up with an idea centered around the lake, a thread, a bond between father and daughter. But that concept continues to flail in the middle of the lake, arms flapping, mouth gasping, drowning because everyone on the shore thinks the poem is waving hello, not goodbye. I've been trying to figure out how to throw a life jacket out to the poem; It's just too far out there. I feel unmotivated.
I wonder if it will all change if I manage to create those song lyric collages and videos, will the concepts come back. And was my last collection of poems really about something I was working through? I know it is about resentment, love, overcoming obstacles, feeling ashamed, and breaking cycles. It is also about making a better future out of a painful past. That isn't really about me. Sometimes I had people in mind when I wrote certain scenes, but most of the time it was a purely fictional world composited of women, families, and histories I've read or imagined.
I'm just spitting out thoughts here, that's all.

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