Sunday, March 16, 2014

winter or spring

Today is the first day of spring, or so we thought.  During the night a winter storm came through with a few inches of snow, some slushy rain, and a lot of gusty wind.  I'm tired of winter and ready to plant some seeds in the four huge planters in my front yard and probably some spinach in my backyard.  But it was a beautiful sight to see the white reflection of snow through the windows behind my daisies in wine bottle vases.
I realized I was out of coffee, so I had to walk to the nearest store and purchase some so I wouldn't have one of those painful headaches I tend to get when lacking caffeine.  On the way there and back the big-breasted robins were hopping quickly from snow-covered parking spot to sidewalk and back again.  I managed to get a picture of one.

Here's to hoping that this is winter's last hurrah this season.  May spring arrive in its full glory and thrust of seedlings, birdsong, and bloom.  And spring breaking ground makes me think of a quote I cannot find, one that says something about the violence of spring, but this one by Whitman will do:
"The violets in the mountains have broken the rocks." - Tennessee Williams
Write about the transition from one season to another.  Many poets have written about spring emerging from winter, the seedlings breaking the ground, the green leaf buds unfurling from limbs, and how the roots dig deeper into the ground.  All words full of action.  Spring is action, impatient and moving forward. Write for a few minutes about seasonal transitions, emphasize through your use of verbs to show the transition.

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